Magical Walks

When going for a walk, I used to grab my headphones even before my shoes. Why wouldn’t I want to maximize my time by listening to an audiobook, a podcast, or that new band my friend recommended? Our modern society in the United States, and many other Western nations, is so focused on productivity that we don’t question it. Even when it affects our leisure activities. 

So put on your favorite shoes and some comfy clothes. Step outside and take a deep breath. Take another one if the first one feels good. Then start walking. Concentrate on the length of the stride. Have you ever thought about how long your stride is? There is no correct length, it’s just enough to be aware of it. Adjust to what fits your body. Let your arms swing naturally by your sides. Moving your arms helps keep your spine relaxed and in line with the lower half of your body.

Try different breathing techniques. There are many variations. One of my favorites is box breathing. Inhale on a slow four-count, and try timing the count to the steps. Then hold your breath for a four-count. Exhale for another four-count. And finally, hold your breath for another four-count. Repeat four times. Let your breath return to its natural rhythm. What do you notice? Is your breathing naturally rhythmic? 

Scientists and other intelligent people recommend that you walk for at least thirty minutes a day. I walk for as long as my body tells me to. At first, it was difficult to know when my body wanted me to turn around. It certainly knew when it was done walking, but sometimes I was a mile away from home with an aching heel. Intuition, listening to yourself, takes practice. We won’t always get it right. But that’s not the point of learning an important life skill. The point is to get good enough at listening to yourself that most of the time you’re right.

So go for a walk. Leave your headphones at home. Open up to the magic.


What is Magic?