Making Space for You
Camille Jones Camille Jones

Making Space for You

Before pursuing an intentional, magical life, I felt like I was in a car going too fast on the freeway. My hands had to remain tightly on the wheel or I’d spin out of control. And I didn’t know how to operate the brakes.

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Magical Malleability
Camille Jones Camille Jones

Magical Malleability

A previous partner once accused me of being hypocritical because I “changed my mind all the time.” I am only hypocritical insomuch as we all are because we inevitably learn new information and alter our opinions accordingly.

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The Mind-Body Connection
Camille Jones Camille Jones

The Mind-Body Connection

This is the magic and power of the human body. We store knowledge, instinct, and memory in more places than just our brains.

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Dream Magic
Camille Jones Camille Jones

Dream Magic

As a species, we’ve been interpreting dreams almost since the beginning. Because of their fleeting, surreal, and emotional natures, they have captured our imaginations.

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Masculine and Feminine
Camille Jones Camille Jones

Masculine and Feminine

Western culture has long polarized masculinity and femininity, going so far as to tie traits that fall into each category to certain genders. Since when have all women been nurturing?

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Journaling, Mana Rejuvenation
Camille Jones Camille Jones

Journaling, Mana Rejuvenation

Whenever I’m feeling sapped emotionally, mentally, or spiritually, I ask myself - when was the last time I wrote in my journal?

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Modern Witch
Camille Jones Camille Jones

Modern Witch

I identify as a witch. But the funny thing about that signifier is that it doesn’t mean the same thing to every person who claims it.

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The Power of Flow
Camille Jones Camille Jones

The Power of Flow

Emotions, like water, need to be allowed to flow freely to keep them clean, fluid, and refreshing. If they become stuck, like a polluted river, the emotions will build up and become stagnant and toxic.

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Camille Jones Camille Jones


The heart’s desires can’t be realized if the desires can’t be expressed clearly and concisely. I have learned this lesson the hard way many times.

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Sacredness in Routine
Camille Jones Camille Jones

Sacredness in Routine

Life as a 20s-something college student is fun and exhilarating, but the chaos of not having a regular sleep schedule, not knowing what or when the next meal will be, and barely having enough time to work out, let alone hang out with friends, causes extreme stress and can set one up for failure.

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What is Magic?
Camille Jones Camille Jones

What is Magic?

Five years ago I would have laughed politely at someone talking about magic in the real world. Raised on Harry Potter and The Belgariad, my understanding of magic was strictly limited to big magic that could preserve part of your soul in an object or summon and control a demon.

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Magical Walks
Camille Jones Camille Jones

Magical Walks

When going for a walk, I used to grab my headphones even before my shoes. Why wouldn’t I want to maximize my time by listening to an audiobook, a podcast, or that new band my friend recommended?

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