Using Magic With and For Others

We are all capable of sensing and affecting our own and other people’s energy. Reiki, kinesiology, and acupuncture are all examples of energy-centered medicine. Most of us have felt someone’s strong emotions as our own. But without practice and focus, we can only affect others by accident. So, as we hone our mindfulness practices and learn how to calm ourselves when upset, we become more likely to be able to affect other people on purpose. 

A few friends and family members have asked me to read their tarot, but I am always very cautious about doing so. I learned early on in my practice that those who are not open to the possibility of magic will reject their reading almost completely. As the reader, it makes me feel wonky and misaligned. As for more direct energy transfer like healing through touch, I have only ever attempted to do that with my husband because of our deep, emotional bond. 

Even if you feel comfortable interacting with the energy of an individual, there are a few factors to consider: boundaries, consent, and psychological preparedness. 


Emotional healing is done through the work of breaking down the psychological walls put up to protect emotions. But we can’t leave ourselves completely open and exposed all the time because there are plenty of people and circumstances that could hurt us. While boundaries aren’t as sturdy and impenetrable as walls, they are healthier because they allow those who are positive and affirming into our vulnerable spaces more easily. The problem, of course, is that it’s up to us to maintain those boundaries. We have to do the work to inform others that they’re there, and we have to take alone time to rest and recharge so we have the conviction and strength to maintain those boundaries. If not, connecting on an energetic level can overwhelm and cause toxic empathy, which is a process to recover from.


Slowly but surely, consent is becoming an everyday word that doesn’t just refer to sexual interactions. Anytime we are interacting with our fellow human beings we should be considering their needs. This doesn’t mean that we have to ask for consent every time a shared activity changes. It means that we take the time when getting to know someone to learn how they prefer to communicate and what things generally make them uncomfortable. Then we know to ask if they want to get on the roller coaster or go to a social gathering because those are activities that particular person tends to find unpleasant. And in the case of energetic connection, two or more people can feel comfortable and open with each other when they feel respected and able to say “stop” at any time without judgment.



Connecting with another person on a deeper level than words happens all the time without conscious preparation. But anyone who has cried openly in someone’s arms or sat next to someone in the shared silence of a powerful emotion knows that if you weren’t psychologically prepared for that moment, it can produce a backlash of anger or embarrassment. So, when we feel the desire to help someone who is in distress or pain through the powerful magic of energetic healing, we need to prepare ourselves for the uncomfortable. It’s simply part of the process, so learn to sit in it without affecting the other person’s experience. 

Using magic with and for others should not be taken lightly. It can be a life-changing and extremely fulfilling endeavor, which is why so many people are drawn to it. But energetic connections can also harm, mostly yourself, if you don’t prepare properly. I am only just now, three years into delving into witchy practices, exploring co-creation and healing in this capacity. I am proceeding very cautiously to begin with and will probably write about my experiences in future posts. May you find deeper connections with those you care about and remain curious about your power to use your magic with others.


People in Dreams