
Disclaimer: I acknowledge my privilege to be able to leave my job without an immediate replacement for lost income. I have had many advantages in my life that have brought me to this point. 

The heart’s desires can’t be realized if the desires can’t be expressed clearly and concisely. I have learned this lesson the hard way many times. Until I knew what I wanted, no amount of verbal or mental manifestation techniques could bring my desires into the real world. By clearly defining why and thus realizing what I truly wanted, I was recently able to make a strong desire of mine a reality: I quit my job.

Meditation and journaling helped me access my magic to recognize five key reasons why I wanted to leave my job. I didn’t enjoy my job anymore, and the lack of fulfillment was taking a toll on my mental health. I wanted time not dedicated to my full-time job or side hustle (my freelance writing). The pandemic had inflated the economy so much that my job wasn’t sufficient financially. I needed the motivation of relying on my freelance writing to make me grow my business. And finally, I needed the flexibility of remote work to help my husband manage his auto-immune disease.

Armed with these core truths, I turned inward to follow them towards my true desire. I didn’t just want to leave my job, I wanted to step into a career I’d been shying away from my entire life. A career that had always suited me, but that I wasn’t ready for before this moment. No wonder I never became an author despite finishing three novels and continually querying for two years. I was out of touch with myself and my magic. I had to be honest and open before I could finally take that much-needed step forward.

It took me eight months from the first clear thought - I want to leave my job - to actually making it happen. Thinking back on it, that wasn’t very long at all. But every stage felt like one step forward and two steps back. I had to try and fail at many smaller steps before I was finally ready mentally and spiritually to take the big step. Big magic like manifestation will always be hard. That’s what makes it worth it.


The Power of Flow


Sacredness in Routine