The Power of Flow

Emotions, like water, need to be allowed to flow freely to keep them clean, fluid, and refreshing. If they become stuck, like a polluted river, the emotions will build up and become stagnant and toxic. But it’s not always easy to keep the build-up of guilt, shame, or trauma responses from blocking the flow. Sometimes, it can feel completely out of one’s hands. The truth is, though, that we can always regain our flow, we just have to develop the tools.

When I realize I am experiencing strong emotions, I try to get out of the situation causing the emotions as soon as possible. Sometimes it’s as easy as putting my phone down or going for a walk. But sometimes it takes a little bit of effort to understand where the emotions are coming from.  Once I am in a safe space, I close my eyes and connect with my inner magic. Being still doesn’t always feel safe, and when that happens, I connect by moving my body through yoga or walking. 

However I start, moving or stationary, the way to my magic is by breathing and quieting my mind. I focus on the emotions and invite them to keep moving through me. This is often a painful experience, and the first few times I tried, I failed. But now that I have successfully allowed my emotions to fill me up and be recognized, they flow through me more quickly and easily. I can speak to them, like a mother to her child, “You are valid, I see you.” Then I can cry them out or punch a pillow, whatever I need to fully express the emotion. I often end these magical moments by thanking myself or my emotions and writing in my journal about the experience.

Practicing flow in any and all parts of life is powerful. Humans were not meant to be stagnant. We have thrived because of our ability to keep walking. Let’s never stop moving.


Modern Witch

