Masculine and Feminine

Western culture has long polarized masculinity and femininity, going so far as to tie traits that fall into each category to certain genders. Since when have all women been nurturing? And how long has a person had to be stoic to be considered a “real man?” The truth is that we all have masculine and feminine characteristics within us, and the best of us comes out when we harmonize them. In fact, it’s probably time to break down those binaries to make it easier to find balance within ourselves.

Over the past two years, I’ve been exploring traditionally masculine traits, like confidence, strength, and decisiveness, within myself. Previously, my magic was primarily fueled by traditionally feminine traits like empathy, compassion, and creativity. When I started drawing on these more definitive aspects, I noticed that my energy shifted from somewhat undefined to something more tangible. And more importantly, my masculinity complimented and strengthened my femininity. 

There are many ways to begin exploring the masculine/feminine within. Meditation and mindfulness are great ways to calm the mind so other ways the body communicates can be heard. Building a relationship with intuition develops self-trust. Creating journal prompts can help answer difficult questions about yourself. I suggest avoiding discussions with other people at the beginning stages of self-exploration. Other’s opinions and judgments can cloud the new connection with yourself. But as confidence grows, community support can bolster you through the difficult parts of this process.

As with magical expression, there is no one-size-fits-all template for teasing out the parts of yourself. I found Carl Jung's language of animus/anima/shadow to be extremely helpful. Analytical psychology gave me a framework with which to understand and think about three sides of myself. Jung’s concept of self-actualization - to not only accept but incorporate all aspects within the self as a cohesive whole - is one of my lifetime goals. 

Whatever reasons you choose to develop your masculine and feminine sides, remember that you need both. Assertiveness easily becomes aggression without compassion. Empathy will overwhelm without boundaries. Neither is better, and they are both weakened by the neglect of the other.

Source: The Society of Analytical Psychology, About Carl Jung,


Dream Magic


Journaling, Mana Rejuvenation