Journaling, Mana Rejuvenation

Whenever I’m feeling sapped emotionally, mentally, or spiritually, I ask myself - when was the last time I wrote in my journal? Not everyone rejuvenates their mana (or whatever you’d like to call the power source of your magic) through journaling, but I’m a strong believer in self-reflection. And we all need quiet time to absorb what we’ve learned and experienced every once in a while. But, I hear you say, it’s really hard to not only get started but also keep it going!

As someone who has been journaling since the second grade, it doesn’t get any easier. I still struggle to keep the habit regular. I still struggle to figure out what I’m going to write about. The difference is, I’ve overcome those struggles so many times now, that I don’t agonize about them. I just push through. 

If I’ve forgotten to write in my journal for two weeks, I don’t waste my time shaming myself. As soon as I remember, I start writing. Even if I only have ten minutes. At least I broke the cycle of forgetting and making excuses not to write in my journal. And if I don’t know what to write, I write about not knowing what to write and why. Before you know it, I’ve either found a topic or written a full journal entry about writer’s block.

So you want to start journaling regularly. You’ve tried it a couple of times, but you couldn’t keep in the habit, misplaced your journal, and gave up. My first recommendation is to get an aesthetically pleasing journal that you like looking at and put it in a highly visible, well-trafficked area in your home. Don’t stuff it in a drawer or put it on a desk with a bunch of other papers and notebooks. Put it on the coffee table or the side table by the couch/chair you always sit on. This strategic positioning is not to guilt you into keeping up with your journal, it’s to keep it on your mind. Out of sight, out of mind.

Now comes the hard part. Try to journal at the same time every day or the same day every week. I know this is a difficult habit you’ve been struggling to get into for a while. Why should it work this time? The hard truth is that it’ll take a few false starts to build the habit. 

Be kind to yourself during the process. Call on your spiritual guardians and guides. Forgive yourself when you forget, and don’t spend the first few lines of every journal entry berating yourself. Try to recognize when you’ve chosen a time that doesn’t actually work for you. If you miss your date with your journal several days or weeks in a row, then it’s time to pick a different time. 

Most importantly, find a mana rejuvenation technique that works for you and do it regularly. Drawing or dancing might fill your soul more fully than writing. Go do it! My suggestions can still help you get into the habit of building your mana back up. Always try to keep extra stores because you never know when you’ll need to use big magic.


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Modern Witch