Modern Witch

I identify as a witch. But the funny thing about that signifier is that it doesn’t mean the same thing to every person who claims it. For some, it also implies you are Wiccan. For others, it means you are a Heathen. So I suppose I can further specify that I am a non-denominational witch. I do not practice any specific religion or follow a tradition, though I borrow and adapt aspects of many. I have only identified as a witch for two years, but my long, winding journey has been leading me here since my mother passed away when I was eleven.

To me, a modern witch is in touch with their intuition and full of themselves, as my podcasting witch mentor, Rebecca Anuwen, always says. They aren’t afraid to take up space and do what needs to be done even when society questions or looks down upon the action. They live on the edge of the woods (literally or metaphorically) and let those in need come to them. Their magic is subtle, unassuming, and without much fanfare. The term witch comes from a long line of nasty people who have spoken truth to Power and been burned (literally and metaphorically) for it. 

I am proud to bear the name, though I am also a little afraid. This is the first time I am calling myself a witch in the public sphere. It’s magical to take a new label. I tried it on first to make sure it fit and felt right, and now I am ready to make it another one of my permanent labels. Though there may be repercussions, I am prepared to handle them as they come. That’s part of being a witch, after all.

No matter what you identify as, know that those labels are powerful, an expression of your magic within. May we all feel empowered to shout our labels loudly. I AM A WITCH!


Journaling, Mana Rejuvenation


The Power of Flow